Prensa / After Real Housewife Drops Bomb about Threesome, xHamster Begins Casting for New Film

"Real Housewives of Orange County" newcomer Braunwyn Windham-Burke dropped quite the bomb on her co-stars: She and her longtime husband, Sean, allegedly engaged in the occasional threesome! (Us too!)

After her announcement, other co-stars admitted to having or wanting a threesome as well.

This caught our attention, as we've been casting for our new film "Real WifeSwaps of Orange County" — planned for the spring. We'll be in Los Angeles in the next few months, and we'd like to invite newcomer Braunwyn Windham-Burke and husband to have a threesome for xHamster Studios, producer of the infamous reality show, Sex Factor.

"We've reviewed a lot of auditions for the Real WifeSwaps of Orange County," said Alex Hawkins, VP of xHamster. "We would to feature Braunwyn and Sean to lead the cast. We'd even take fellow swingers Tamra and Eddie, if they want to make it a foursome. We know how much they all love the cameras, and we're sure that this extension of the franchise would surely help them surge in the ratings. Heck, as entrepreneurs we'd even cut them in on the backend."


Alex Hawkins

Vice President, New Media


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